1: Specify behavior 2: Determine steps 3: Deepen understanding 4: Validate and prioritize 5: Amplify with design 6: Prototype and test
Prospective memory failure
Prospective memory failure is when someone makes a plan to do something and even puts themself in a situation to do it. But then they get distracted or lost in other things, and never end up doing what they originally intended to do.
A person makes an appointment to talk to their doctor about an issue, but during the visit gets distracted by other conversations with the doctor. When they get home, they realize they forgot to ask about the specific issue.
A person plans to send one quick email. They open their email and get distracted by their overflowing inbox. Three hours later they realize they forgot to send the email.
What it is not:
Intentionally putting off doing something - that is procrastination.
Quirks for Understanding
Quirks for Amplifying