1: Specify behavior 2: Determine steps 3: Deepen understanding 4: Validate and prioritize 5: Amplify with design 6: Prototype and test
Choice overload
Too many choices can feel overwhelming. When faced with too many choices, humans tend to avoid (defer) making a choice or go with an option that’s been chosen for them (like a default). Too many choices has also been associated with unhappiness and decision fatigue.
A woman wants to start on a family planning method and is provided with information on ten methods at once. She feels overwhelmed and doesn’t choose one.
A consumer sees an environmentally conscious product and wants to try it, but feels overwhelmed by the many choices they have to make to buy it. So they don’t buy or try it out.
What it is not:
It is not a reason to eliminate all choices - options are important for clients!
Quirks for Understanding
Quirks for Amplifying